PSY 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Genetic Disorder, Neuropsychiatry, Atony

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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

What is the purpose of each: sleep is rhythmic. It consists of at least two divisions, nrem and rem: electroencephalogram (eeg) what is this, electromyogram (emg) what is this, electrooculogram (eog) what is this, other activity. How does an experimenter know if a subject is conscious: overt behaviour, physiology. Eeg arousal: beta (awake and alert) high frequency 15 hz+, low amplitude eeg, delta (deep sleep; coma) low frequency 1-4 hz, high amplitude eeg alpha (relaxed) 8 -12 hz, rhythmic eeg theta (light sleep-drowsiness) 4-7 hz eeg. Beta (underlined in red) and alpha (in blue) eeg. The first channel veog is a recording of vertical eye movements (i. e. , not eeg). The eeg was recorded over an 8 sec interval. The 3 remaining channels record eeg from frontal (fz), central (cz) and parietal (pz) electrode placements. Eeg was recorded over an 8 sec interval.