POL 2104 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Progressive Tax, Amartya Sen, Neoliberalism

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Part one: explain in 3-4 sentences the meaning and importance of the following terms. Comparative politics is the study and comparison of domestic politics across countries. Does not compare governments between or among different countries. Looks at elections, political parties, revolutions, and judicial systems. May overlap with international relations on topics such as ethnic con ict. It is a sub eld that compares the pursuit of power across countries. Helps theorists make arguments about cause and affect using examples that we have from evidence through studying countries across time and space. Informs and challenges ideals, provides alternatives and questions norms or assumptions. Empirical evidence is evidence that is based on, concerned with or veri ed by observation. Is related to niccolo machiavelli who analyzed different political systems and tried to make generalizations about success and failure. These generalizations could then be applied by statesmen in order to avoid their predecessors" mistakes. He is cited as the rst modern political scientist.