POL 2103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Liberal Feminism, Security Dilemma, Securitization

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Power: inferior end of power relationships, women experienced a different historical upbringing than men, ps. Role of representation is important for the way politics works: pc. Third world women will have different needs and interests. During cold war: conditions of deterrence, realism: miscalculation, offence-defence theory, miscalculations of the distribution of power. Cut down on imports and promote exports: gatt to wto. 1947 turn into an international trade organization. Wto took over and became the formal institution. Wto dispute and resolution mechanism: movement and exchange of actual goods and services. Real economy international finance: balance of payments. Accounting sheet tally up the money and the transactions within a state"s borders. Capital account: they are supposed to balance out fiscal and monetary policy fiscal policy spending and borrowing. Price of converting from one currency to another. P: different cultures and societies will increasingly be in conflict. Homogenization: as more cultures come into interaction you"re going to have one global culture.