[PHS4300] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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Increases ne release from sns nerves therefore increasing epinephrine release from adrenal medulla and increases sympathetic outflow in cns: aldosterone makes kidney retain water and sodium and lose k+ Wo(cid:396)ks 2 (cid:449)a(cid:455)s : water and na+ reabsorption to increase volume; occurs slowly (days to months) after raas activated, vasoconstriction increases bp by increasing resistance; occurs quickly (minutes to hours) after raas activated. Raas mediates pathological changes (mi, htn, heart failure) D(cid:396)ugs that supp(cid:396)ess raas the(cid:455) (cid:449)o(cid:396)k: promote na+ and water excretion, treatment for htn, heart failure, mi, kidney disease, retinal disease in diabetes, ace inhibitors (enalapril) Side effects of cough, 1st dose hypotension, hyperkalemia, angioedema (rash but can be a fatal condition because of tissue swelling in the upper head and neck), pregnancy category x: arbs (losartan) Angioedema, pregnancy category x: direct renin inhibitors (aliskiren) Same side effects as ace inhibitors: aldosterone antagonists (eplerenone) Prevent ca2+ from entering cells especially in blood vessels and heart.