PHS 3342 Final: PHS3342 Final Notes

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Is made of renal cortex and renal medulla a: cortical nephrons are mostly in the cortex and are 85% of nephrons c. Juxtamedullary nephrons have long loops of henle surrounded by vasa recta. They play an important part in production of concentrated urine: functional anatomy of filtration membrane, 3 layers between blood and interior of glomerular capsule b. fenestrated capillary epithelium for easy passage of small molecules b. i. 1182ml/min * 55% plasma = 650ml plasma/min b. ii. 80% exits glomerulus unfiltered c: nondiscriminant filtration e, urine is filtrate minus nutrients, essential ions filtrate is plasma minus proteins. 6. tubular reabsorption: selectively returns 99% of substances from filtrate back to blood by peritubular capillaries tubular secretion. Inulin is filtered and not reabsorbed, so amount filtered = excreted c. i. secretion rate is filtration rate c. ii. glomerular filtration rate = clearance: gfr = uin * v / pin d. i. U is concentration in urine, v is urine flow rate, p is plasma concentration: ex.