PHI 2397 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Adolf Eichmann, Act Utilitarianism, University Of Virginia Darden School Of Business

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Ancient art and science of determining criteria for making correct decisions. Ethics plays a big role in business. Business is universally based within a consequentialist ethical theory. Determine your actions based upon the anticipated consequences: consequentialism, based on wants, utilitarianism, ends justifies the means, the goal is the only thing that matters. Determine your actions based upon a sense of moral duty: based on duty, deontology duty based ethics. Deon meaning duty: idea of people"s rights, this is where we get our ideas of justice and equality. There is a difference between wants and rights. Sometimes you do what it right regardless of the consequences. Good and right does not necessarily mean the same thing. Wants are no the same thing as rights. Some people think that business has nothing to do with ethics: this is not correct. If something has nothing to do with ethics, it is considered amoral. Morality is not strictly speaking the same thing as ethics.