PHI 2396 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fetus, Julian Savulescu, Sentience

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Every human being, irrespective of age, size, condition of dependency, or stage of development - or the means by which he or she is produced - is intrinsically valuable as a subject of rights and deserves full moral respect. Embryos have a rational nature and as possessor of such should have moral status. There is no point in saving the embryo simply due to its possibility. We would have to assume that we have an ethical obligation to research cures for fatal diseases in order to have an obligation to use stem cells for research. He says that the standard liberal argument is that human embryos have no moral status as they are not persons and it is not wrong to kill them, so it is permissible to use stem cells. Holm argues that this justi es the non painful killing and use of any pre personal human entity from the fertilized egg to the pre personal infant.