PHI 2396 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Belmont Report, Amniocentesis, Fundamental Justice

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Late 20th century saw a surge in awareness of bioethical issues: publication of our bodies ourselves, 1970, critique of patriarchal" medicine. Health care system exemplifies a microcosm of society and reflects the dominant prejudices and biases society. Sex-related differences in access to care among patients (viagra, heart attacks: critique of the medicalization" of the body. Adhd (hyperkinesia) as a chemical imbalance rather an environmental / nutritional issues. Suggesting normal human experiences are abnormal and in need of treatment ( over prescription of anti-depressants?) Sanitary revolution: clean water availability and sewage disposal (leads to a dramatic decline in cholera) 1. 5 million deaths (2001) from unsafe water, poor sanitation/hygiene practices in low and middle income countries. Kant proposed all people deserve dignity and respect. New technology & treatments: war created advancements and innovation and medicine necessity is the mother of invention .