[PHI2396] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (100 pages long)

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Embryo cryopreservation, therapeutic donor, insemination, epididymal sperm aspiration, ovum donor, gestational carrier (surrogate mothering) intrauterine insemination, ivf, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, oocyte freezing, womb outsourcing. The carrier comes from a 3rd world country, cheaper, no legal obstacle. It is gaining popularity, benefits from both sides. According to the 2008 reports of the canadian fertility and andrology society there are between 25 and 27 fertility clinics in canada. Ivf is the most popular method of assisted reproduction. The success rate of overall live birth for ivf in canada, according to the 2008 reports of cfas 28% per cycle (compared to. A complete ivf procedure which includes a sperm wash, as well oocyte freezing, could cost over . A big portion of the ivf cost is covered under ohip, but there are still expenses that are out of pocket. Pregnancy reduction issues occurring from ivf (look up) Embryo created in lab then inserted into womb fertilization happens outside.