PHI 1370 Study Guide - Final Guide: Medical Sociology, Ouvrage Denting, Deontological Ethics

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Chapter 9 virtue ethics and professional regulation. Aristotle: theorized the rational animal , the signature definition of the human being. If you don"t follow ethics you are not likely to be as happy as you could be: student of plato, metaphysics was one of the main projects of aristotle. Deals with the first principles of things (being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, space) But this is an abstract theory with no basis in reality. Telos the point of life: eudiamonia good spirit ; greek for a state of good indwelling spirit, in a state of being happy, healthy, prosperous, flourishing, living well. Virtue = competencies = behaviour showing high moral standards. In rational ethics, right ethics result in the well being of the individual: 2 kinds of virtues: Character the mental or moral qualities of an individual. Prudence the quality of showing or acting with care and thought for the future.