PHI 1103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bertrand Russell, John Dewey, Tabula Rasa

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What is the value of philosophy: consider the works of two important philosophers: Sir bertrand russell: the value of philosophy to individual life. John dewey: the value of philosophy to society or public life. Russell names two sources of negative attitudes towards: the influence of science (scientism, the influence of practical affairs (pragmatism) According to russell, these two negative attitudes are based upon certain misconceptions pertaining to: the ends or purposes of human life, the goods that philosophy strive to achieve (the goal of philosophy: philosophy). Dewey focuses on the social, political, and public aspects of philosophy and on its importance on educating the public. Establishing an empiricist foundation for knowledge: much weight we can assign to different types of knowledge. Locke"s defence of probable knowledge: every thought we can entertain is made up of ideas of sensation and reflection and nothing else. Locke believed that the two faculties of reason and sense perceptions together produce knowledge.