PHI1102- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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The general three theories: (that we will be focusing on) Because it makes me happy-motive (psychological roots of action)- virtue ethics. Thereby saving a life- this is the effect consequentialism. 1-consequentialism: emphasize the effects of action, right action is action that maximizes the good, or brings about the best possible outcome. Has its roots in our ordinary psychological roots. The actions that are right or what is good: utilitarianism, right action is action that maximizes pleasure and happiness and wrong action, is doing the opposite, and promotes bad feelings. Think of the content of morality as the kind of things that can be listed in a list of principals. These principals pertain to kinds of actions based on the consequences produced by these actions. Ie- ge(cid:374)eral duty to respe(cid:272)t so(cid:373)eo(cid:374)e"s property rights a(cid:374)d (cid:374)ot trespass o(cid:374) their la(cid:374)d et(cid:272). Empirical science- tells us about the world as experienced.