PHI 1101 Study Guide - Categorical Logic, Propositional Calculus, Sampling Error

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10 Jul 2014
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PHI 1101 Full Course Notes
PHI 1101 Full Course Notes
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All opinions are equal seems to reply on fallacious reasoning. Bickenbach: there is a certain fallacy being committed in this case. This is an example of a fallacy known as equivocation . Tyranny of the majority: if most people this something is right, doest mean it actually is. Enthymeme: argument in which the conclusion isn"t stated. Instrumental rationality: reasoning employed in the pursuit of goals. Determine and act on the most effective, efficient, and feasible means of achieving objectives. Limitation cannot tell us what goals to pursue. Doesn"t tell us what is good or bad, what to value and what to not value. Since it tells us the best way to achieve our goals we need to determine our goals by other means. P1) the sovereign is responsible for the actions of a state. P2) the sovereign is the appropriate object of hostile action.