[NSG3323] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (35 pages long!)

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Thrombus formation associated with inflammation of the vein; most common disorder of the veins. Classifications: superficial thrombophlebitis and deep vein thrombosis. Etiology: virchow"s triad (at risk clients usually have these predisposing conditions); 3 factors: venous stasis. Normal blood flow is dependent on actions of the muscles and unidirectional valves. Venous stasis occurs when valves are dysfunctional or there are: endothelial damage venipuncture) inactive muscles in extremities. Tunica intima one cell layer thick and easily damaged (ex. Iv therapy and infusion of caustic substances, such as high-dose antibiotic, potassium, chemotherapy, tpn, or contrast media, can cause it. Other predisposing factors include: iv in situ for more than 48 hours, contaminated iv equipment, fractures causing blood vessel damage, diabetes mellitus, and burns: hypercoagulability of the blood. Other risk factors: smoking, sepsis, oral contraceptives, and malignancies. Inflammation of the vein (reddened, warm, and tender to the touch) Occurs in approximately 65% of patients receiving iv therapy.