[NSG2317] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (68 pages long)

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Document Summary

The c. c is the chief complaint; its what brings the person into the hospital to get checked out. Then we go through an assessment process: history: most important, examination: Percussion or tapping (to get different densities) Oscillation (listening with stethoscope: investigation is next using ct, x-rays, ultra sounds etc. Diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation is not part of this course. Planning if you have strep throat that has been diagnosed through a culture then you would make a plan to treat. Antibiotics; if it gets worse, go to emergency department otherwise keep going with antibiotics, you can also gargle with salt water etc. Signs and symptoms: telling you i have a headache is a symptom: subjective report of how a person feels, signs: subjective report of how we can see a person reacts and acts towards different things ex. Someone wincing when you open the blinds and they see the bright light. Subjective vs. objective: 1st vs. 3rd person.