MUS 2310 Study Guide - Final Guide: Remote Control Productions, Oscillator Sync, Melodrama

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Sound and music were used to heighten reality: also had esthetically appealing effect of drowning out the hiss of recording equipment. Audio background component of the sound track was born: music was the most effective background sound. Did not distract from the narrative or dialogue. Specially composed for the film (adapted to fit dialogue) Non-diegetic created ambiance, did not need to be understood in context of the scene (underscore) Scoring practices: in 30s, closely match music to images (like silent film, two trends, playing the mood of the scene, playing the details. Widely adopted and dominated into late 40s. Use of musical topics (moods) continued (heard in casablanca) Sergei eisenstein: against synchronized music he wanted to use it as counterpoint instead. Aaron copland ( father of american music : against 19th c. music he wanted to use modern music instead, didn"t think film music was a serious art form.