[LSR2118] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (24 pages long)

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Something you do on your own time, chosen freely, and motivated to do. Building on skills you already have in a non work environment. Leisure can be identified in many ways, some recurring components. Time left over from work obligations or other life maintenances. Back in time those who didn"t have to work could partake in these, Element of choice and autonomy reflected social status. Commercial leisure provider ex the gym , goodlife, mont-cascade. Public leisure provider- tennis court, city of ottawa, public park, anything managed by city of ottawa, they are responsible for ensuring that it meets the needs required by the community. Nonprofit- girl guide/boy scout , no intention of making profit. Social and cultural benefits- social support that one gains by participating, --reciprocity and sharing, community involvement, economic benefits could -enhance work related skills, could increase social network, productivity in the workplace, (many benefits those are just some examples)