[HSS3332] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 31 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Using knowledge in a reasonable way to a specific area. The capability given by this practical application of knowledge. Health condition depends on context, environment and personal factors taken into account when trying to determine how a health condition affects the individual. Activity is being able to do activities of daily life. Being able to participate in a job or go to school and participate in society. Function: health and disability as a continuum. When you have impairment or a limitation in your activities or a restriction of your participation it can cause your condition to become worse. Each person comes with a level of competence. Certain level of physical, mental, and intellectual abilities. The environment: factors that will push you and demand a behavioural response from you. If the environment is not adapted to your restrictions, then the environment is putting a strong demand on you and your competence does not meet it leading to negative maladaptive behaviour.