[HSS3305] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (40 pages long)

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Usually a molecular signature that can help explain what is going on with a particular person. Pathology: study of disease, pathologist physician diagnoses and classifies diseases by examining morphology of cells and tissues. Pathophysiology: deranged function in an individual or an organ that is due to a disease. A pathophysiologic alteration is a change in function as distinguished from a structural defect. Pathogenesis: manner by which disease develops, pathogen microorganism causes disease ie. bacteria, virus. Concept that disease can be diagnosed by examining changes at cellular level. Involves morphological changes (morphology structure or architecture of a tissue or organ. ) Cells attempt to adapt to stressors, become injured and die as disease progresses. In most cases, we can see a change at the cellular level when there is a disease and if we cannot, we may not have reached them technologically. Can be identified by examining cells/ cellular processes. May be a criteria to group or classify diseases.