[HSS3106] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 35 pages long Study Guide!

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To administer a drug safely, one must know its usual dose frequency, route of administration, indications, contraindications, significant adverse reactions, and major drug interactions. Pharmacology: the study of drugs and their actions and effects in body systems. Pharmacodynamics: the study of biochemical and physiologic drug effects, and the mechanisms of drug action. Pharmacokinetics: the study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretions (adme) Pharmacognosy: the study of drugs derived from herbal or natural sources. Pharmacotherapeutics: the study of how drugs are best used and which drug is appropriate for a specific disease. Toxicology: the study of poisons and poisonings. Toxicity: refers to drug"s ability to poison the body. Overdose: dose of a drug that causes harm. Adverse drug reaction (adr): any response to drug that is noxious, unintended, and occurs at doses normally used for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy. Side effect: an unintended drug effect; this can be beneficial.