HSS3105- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 82 pages long!)

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Functions include: provides an arena to socialize w people, to develop friendships w people, to allow you to engage in regular interaction w people. Provides organizational base where the community feels a sense of commonality. Provides you with a group you can identify with. Larger communities: common goals that people have, communities thrive on ethical elements and self-help elements, issues around consent come up (linked to ethics), looking for common interests of speci c groups. Focus on helping people to build on their strengths. Helping people to progress in terms of social and economic aspects [push for education and employment] Should look at the short-term and long-term impact of your development in the community you"re helping. Health initiatives included: life threatening hygiene/sanitation, child immunization, addressing unsafe physical environments. One of the biggest criticisms is that community based health programs aren"t sustainable without external support.