HSS 2305 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Asthma, Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor, C-Raf

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Hss2305 lecture 19 cell signalling and g-coupled receptor. Cells must respond adequately to external stimuli to survive respond to ligands to initiate intracellular action. Cells respond to stimuli via cell signaling. Some signal molecules enter cells; others bind to cell-surface. Message relayed inside cell via a cascade of downstream protein conformational changes action. Autocrine signalling cell has receptors on its surface that respond to the messenger (a: cells induce or supress themselves send and respond to same message. Paracrine signalling messenger molecules travel short distances through extracellular space (b: adjacent cells, regulate each other. Endocrine signalling messenger molecules (hormones) reach their target cells through the bloodstream (c: messenger travels far from site of secretion to reach target tissues/organs/cells http://www. dnalc. org/resources/3d/cellsignals. html. Conformational change in receptor relays message into cytoplasmic domain. Generation of an intracellular second messenger via an effector enzyme: second messengers activate/inactivate target proteins. Each protein alters conformation of the next protein.