HSS 1101 : Definitions of Health.docx

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Definitions of health, wellness, illness, disease and other relevant terms. Proper diet best defence against bad cholesterol: study . 50 per cent of canadians are considered to have a high level of ldl (bad) blood cholesterol. Eating less saturated fat found in meat, poultry and high fat dairy products helps to lower ldl cholesterol. But according to a new canadian study, you need to do more than slash saturated fat to control blood cholesterol. People whose diets included a combination of certain cholesterol-lowering foods saw their ldl cholesterol drop considerably more than those who followed a conventional low saturated fat diet. In fact, the low fat diet had little impact on blood cholesterol. Health professionals have always stressed the importance of diet as the primary way to improve cholesterol levels. However the introduction of statin drugs(cholesterol lowering medication such as lipitor) in the late 1980s highlighted the relative ineffectiveness of standard diet advice.