[HIS1120] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (28 pages long!)

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The napoleonic wars; napoleon and europe; romanticism (1793-1830): Napoleon as military commander and the napoleonic wars. Born in corsica (modern day italy) in 1769 controlled by france. 1799 stages a coup d" tat and declares the revolution over, but does not discard its aims. Part enlightened despot, believes himself appointed by god (old fashioned) and part futuristic as he is the father of the modern nation-state. France is at war with few pauses between 1792-1815. From 1792-1795, the main enemy of france are the austrian hapsburgs, because they hope to destroy the revolution ideological. The british take over as main enemy over economic principles, not values: british seek to weaken their primary economic rival. Prussia is the emerging and unsettling power: sympathetic to counter-revolutionary ideology, but does not trust austria. There is pro-france sentiment all over europe in poland, for examples: poland has disappeared as a kingdom being ___ into russia, prussia,