HIS 1111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kim Il-Sung, Syngman Rhee, 1948 Palestine War

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13 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Zionism:is the national movement of the jewish people that supports the re- establishment of a jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic land of. Herzl:he was one of the fathers of modern political zionism. Zionist organization and promoted jewish migration to palestine in an effort to form a. Arab revolt: 1936-1939:a nationalist uprising by palestinian arabs in. Mandatory palestine against the british administration of the palestine mandate, demanding arab independence and the end of jewish immigration as the league of. Palestinian refugees:arabs and jews whose normal place of residence had been in mandatory palestine but were displaced and lost their livelihoods as a result of the 1948 palestine war. Resolution 181:the united nations partition plan for palestine was a proposal by the united nations, recommended the creation of independent arab and jewish states and a special international regime for the city of jerusalem.