[HIS1110] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (29 pages long)

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Class #2 europeen imperialism monday september 12th 2016. In 1900, the great europeen powers are still in control of the world economy. In 1900, the usa is a secluded minor power and japan is a minor power with less ressources. The british empire "the most important & powerfull in 1900"". )at its peek it controls 22% of the worlds landmass. )400 million people of the worlds population. )first phase: white settlements ex: canada, australia, n-z, us. )second phase: india: unique and is the crown jewel of the empire and is extremely important for the economic survival of the british islands (tea,rice and grain) )third phase: the dependant empire: mainly africa -) not suitable for white immigration-) mass exportation colonies. Britain wants to link egypt to south africa (diamonds) The reason they can grab all these colonies is because of technologic advancements such as steam powered ships and the telegraph for faster communications.