[GRT2100] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (85 pages long!)

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Terms such as elderly/seniors are being replaced with older adult. In our society, we deny death and dying >> consumerism: anti-aging cream aging isn"t seen as a great experience, it"s seen as kicking the bucket , croaking , etc. We view older adults as a threat to our health care system"s potential bankruptcy (many seniors are on too many drugs, more than they actually need) Seniors don"t have a full range of movement and they also have poor depth perception. Women live longer, but they also live poorer longer (loose husband"s pension when he dies, haven"t worked outside of the home substantially) Gerontology is the study of aging and its consequences. Canada early 1900s: biggest cause of death was infectious diseases like tb & life expectancy was 60 years >> vaccines and antibiotics invented & penicillin discovered. >> saves lives as people begin to live longer, also due to better nutrition and sanitation, and smaller families.