FEM2111- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 46 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Theoretical foundations: feminist political economy (fpe) and social exclusion. Economic base of society (forces and relations of production) and a superstructure (social, political and intellectual life) Societies develop through class struggle and one"s relationship to the relations of production (bourgeoisie and proletariat) Political institutions reinforce and reproduce particular set of relations. Religion significantly influences the development of capitalism. Liberab market-based economies (us, canada, australia and uk) Have modest redistributive welfare policies and minimal social investments. Include host of social investments in childcare, housing and medical care via higher taxes. Examines economic governance rather than welfare policy. Examines logic of institutional architectures of capitalism. Neo-weberian ideal types involve production regimes and employment relations systems. Institutions work together to form a liberal or non-liberal mode of capitalism. Liberal - free market (eg. us, canada, new zealand, ireland) Non-liberal - hierarchical, organizational coordination (eg. germany, japan,