FEM 1100 Final: fem1100 review

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Document Summary

Feminism: begins with the premise that women"s and men"s positions in society are the result of social, not natural or biological factors. Political way of being, thinking, and living in the world. Intersectionality: examines how categories of identity (e. g. , race, class, gender, age, ability, etc. ) and structures of inequality are mutually constituted and must continually be understood in relationship to one another. Transnationalism: focuses on cultures, structures, and relationships that are formed as a result of the flows of people and resources across geopolitical borders. Theory: -provides a frameworks for explaining the complex connections between people"s everyday lives and larger social, political, and economic factors. Activists: theorists sit back while (cid:498)the woman in the street(cid:499) does the work of social change. Liberal feminism: all humans are equal/rational beings. Challenged the idea that all women are weak-minded, frail, irrational. Gender characteristics are not innate, but the result of the environment: meritocracy (must earn rewards), equal opportunity.