[ENG3340] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (18 pages long!)

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Queen elizabeth i (1558-1603) last of the tudor monarchs. House of lords and house of commons at the same time. Tries to rule without summoning parliament for 9 years. Oliver cromwell is lord protector (1653-58): milton was his latin secretary. Charles ii (1660-1685) invited back by parliament. Puritan: reform-minded protestant (word above in ages) Get rid of everything catholic/popeish: they"re suspicious of images. Religious sects appeared (presbyterians, etc cromwell associated) Revolution also english civil war (1642-1646) between royalists and parliamentarians. 1648-1649: blast of fighting execution in 1649. Commonplaces: passages, nuggets of wisdom , conventional wisdom to serve as raw material for writer. Intention: invention: finding or discovery; building on others" ideas. Qualities of a good poet (johnson) 1) goodness of natural wit: instinct to pour treasure out of mind. 2) exercise of those parts; labour is important, too. Like a bee takes ideas, makes new. 4) study and reading: seeing them as source of new information.