[ENG2140] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (84 pages long)

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A frame (a technical measurement) is an individual still photograph on a piece of exposed film stock; it is a movie"s shortest compositional element. Films generally project at 24 frames per second (fps) with each frame repeated once (so 48 individual frames) to create the illusion of movement: shots. A shot (a technical measurement) is an edited series of frames that comprise one uninterrupted action of a camera; shots are generally defines by the camera"s position relative to its subject. Shot = an finalized, edited take the shot that made into the final version of the film: scenes. A scene (a narrative measurement) comprises one or more shots to tell part of the film"s overall story. A scene can be a single shot or a series of shots added/spliced together: sequences. A sequence (a narrative measurement) comprised a series of (usually related) scenes. Narrative films are comprised of a series of sequences: mise-en-sc ne.