[ENG2136] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 22 pages long Study Guide!

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Titles call to important elements of fiction (being: plot, characterization and. Elements of fiction look at the title and see what is being emphasized. In the bird of prey we are looking at characterization as the strange (cid:498)bird(cid:499) In a plot is the interaction between characters and we assign names to the different characters setting: protagonist - hero, antagonist - villain, primary characters, secondary characters. The bird could be considered the antagonist and a primary character, plays a very important role in the story, villain of the piece. The bird is not just a supernatural character, it is a particular kind of supernatural, a monster. Monster is more helpful to understand how horror fiction works rather than antagonist. Monster in general language has been equated with size (big), powerful but it blurs what its really about, the size is atypical/unusual/unnatural.