ENG 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: John Wiley & Sons, Phallic Stage, Electra Complex

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Biologically, the purpose of the human being is to reproduce in order to ensure the survival of the population (taflinger, the biological bases of self- Humans however, are social creatures and do not only adhere exclusively to their scientific purpose. In order for an individual to develop into a successful adult, they must complete each of the five stages of sigmund freud"s psychosexual theory of development. There are many factors that can contribute to the failure of completing one of these stages. Chuck palahniuk and two kinds by amy tan, the main characters both display identity confusion. The lack of a complete father figure in these two stories hinders the ability of the protagonists to successfully complete all of freud"s psychosexual stages of development. Due to this, both main characters are seen to have trouble finding their own identities. The difficulty of finding a sense of self excuses their rebellious behaviours in the novels.