ENG 1100 : october 30th 2013.docx

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Make points or criteria of comparison or contrast clear. Be balanced in discussion of items being compared. Analogy: type of comparison used in which something unknown is likened to something known. Helps explain the abstract, complex or unfamiliar. Effect to cause: look at the outcome first and then try to determine why it happened. Make links between cause and effects clear. Consider if causality is justified maybe other causes. Division :divided one thing or entitity into its subparts. Informative: explains a complex task or entity by dividing it into component parts. Lay out all the parts of the item being divided and subdivide if necessary. Classification: divides entities into different groups or categories. Informative: allows us to understand things better by putting them into categories. Should be applied to a plural subject. Informative: use to explain a specialized or unfamiliar term to your readers, or to clarify if the term has more than one meaning.