DVM 2105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rent-Seeking, Amartya Sen, Modernization Theory

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Part one: explanatory questions, you will answer 5 out of 6 questions. You will answer 1 out of 3 questions. Non-income poverty pg. 13: social exclusion, situational poverty, generational poverty. Multidimensional poverty pg. 12-13: seers on the realization of human potential, denis goulet on the good development, amartya sen capability approach pg. 14, sen on freedom and development, human development index. Classification of the countries pg. 5: the world bank pg. 6, 7. What is development: economic growth, other definitions. [evaluative model of development: cosmopolitanism pg. 18 [moral perspective] pg. 20, 21 liberalism (nozic) vs. communitarianism. Theories of development pg. 45, 46 [goals of development] capitalist theory. Chapter 4: post-development: pg. 69, first paragraph, pg. 70 explanation of post-development, pg. 71 language and knowledge shared, pg. 72 cultural term, pg. 73-81. Chapter 6: definition of globalization pg. 107, pg. 114: pg. 112 who is benefiting, pg. 157 meaning of the state, pg. 130 meaning of state capacity and autonomy. Difference between interventionist model and non- interventionist model: pg. 137 rent seeking states.