DVM 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: International Humanitarian Law, Social Liberalism, Economic Liberalism

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Dvm1100 a canada and challenges of international development and globalization. Capability + ability for nations to economically produce adequate goods/services -> creating capital/money -> distribute capital. Meeting people"s basic needs: sufficient food, adequate shelter, decent clothing, health protection and elementary education. A good development for a country is one that combines these 4 dimensions: econ develop"t, political develop"t, social develop"t, human develop"t. Multiple channels of culture present in our society: allows us to experience other cultures w/o leaving our own. E. g. restaurants in 1970 few, american, western; restaurants today multicultural, variety. Globalization interconnected, time and space reducing, spread of ideas: e. g. airplanes quicker than ships. Changing the borders of geography of poverty and inequality: fundamentally transformed/undermined/altered inequality. Changing the meaning of proximity: time and place has changed, technology very instrumental. Canada as an example of globalization and development. Can has develop"d socially, politically, and economically over past 2-3 centuries.