[DVM1100] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (35 pages long)

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Document Summary

What & where is development? (contested term, man made) Ability to produce goods, services, accumulate capital, and distribute them to society (economic capability de n: e. g india can produce goods and services so they are developed. Process which the economy of a country transforms from the weak or negative stages to growth to positive (procedural de n, progressive) Development originates from the process of modernization (structuralist de n) Economic development is not the mainstream view of development: mainstream theory of development. Denial of the intervention of state - capitalism. Narrowing the meaning of development down to economic growth - materialism. Denial of culture and identity speci cations - universalism. Started in 1949: narrowed further down to assistance, created by the us (the west, combination of endogenous and exogenous factors, disregards systematic causes of underdevelopment, international politics, divides the world into groups or blocks. Why study canada and challenges of international development and.