[CRM2300] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (73 pages long)

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Type of la(cid:449) that rather tha(cid:374) relyi(cid:374)g o(cid:374) rules, it"s a syste(cid:373) that sol(cid:448)es proble(cid:373)s as it arises. Solves problems by talking: ex: parenting, many styles. Common law is really a collection of cases or stories about social problems or conflicts that we resolve by talking. That means that the law is always open to argument. Collection of stories is like a social diary and a great window to demonstrate what we value as a society. Is there an excuse; is there a defence of necessity: and court says yes. Decision on that question: convicted at trial and sentenced to hang, society thinks its too harsh, but then they flipped their decision and were not hung. This is a good example of how the common law is discursive. Crim law is exercise in discursive problem solving. In 1066 the french come (normans) to the uk. William conquers the island and sets up shop.