CRM 1301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eugenics, Orgasm, White-Collar Crime

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5 major areas: advent of prisons, marxism c)colonies, convents, captors and captives d)statistics e)biological positivism. Prisons: changes in use of jails of sanction: The roman empire has holding cells and penile servitude dungeon facilities are in poor conditions, little sanitation, no protection from the cold. People were held while waiting for court session or until punishment could be carried out. Late 18th century workhouses were being used as facilities for jails. They were not maintained by a state which means no food, healthcare or anything in terms of basic human rights. debtor"s prison: Holding place for people who owe a debt to someone. Were expected to pay rent and if they could not afford it they stay until they can pay off their debt and than until they could pay the second debt for rent/imprisonment. Huge emphasis on profit; fee for cost of living, fee for each step of every process.