CMN2168 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sweatshop, Neoliberalism, Anti-Globalization Movement

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Ideas associated with economic liberalism emerging in 1977 until 2008. Which advocates globalizing trade, reductions in the role of government and government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy. This includes privatizing state owned and common institutions, eroding notions of community and replacing it with the individual and an increase in information accumulation over knowledge accumulation. Anti globalization: democratic deficit: because neoliberalism stresses individual gain over collective welfare, the. This means that corporations compete for capital, with little interference from the government. While they are gaining more and more capital, we are moving farther and farther from a welfare state which stresses collectivity, community etc. For example) because it is the corporations who hold the power now, they can regulate society. Because they are capitalists, who favor individualism, consumerism, etc, they are going to keep reinforcing these values. Capitalists are more committed to capital than they are to human values.