CMN 1160 Study Guide - Final Guide: European Robotics Platform, Media Consumption, Shomi

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CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
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Globalization: transnational and transcultural flow of media, technology, ideology, finance, and culture. Space: mouvement of capital and people (ie. money, what we invest in: media, airport - you just pass through) Place: domain of history, identity, and community (connection you feel to a geographical place, home) Does the film industry place for space: make bc look like another place. People who could"ve related to bc can"t now: governments compete for production so is happy when their cities like like someplace else, for movies and tv to go across borders, cultural specifity can be a liability. Vancouver: all diff. types of landscapes an hour from dt: dominance of space: Productions use vancouver to stand in for another place. Rarely any stories about vancouver: history of vancouver: 1871: bc joins canada on coalition that ottawa extends railway. Contract theory of association: exert influence over its natural resources expects federal support for social programs/structural development. Hk passes from british to chinese rule.