CMN1148- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Chapter 1: the communication process, learning from models. Communication: the process of simultaneously giving and receiving information, verbal, or nonverbal. Explain processes- how and why we communicate visually depict relationships in the different parts of the communication act. Some jargon used in communication sender or source. Message, feedback, noise cultural, political, social, or other variables in environment. Simple models with a sender transferring a message containing information to a receiver speaker, speech audience focused on the act of persuading the audience, in order to get your ideas across and get the audience to accept them. Based on knowledge of audience demographics such as age and status. Ethos- appeals based on source credibility of speaker. Perceived trustworthiness: most important of this appeal. Perceived expertise: use their experience as a way for you to accept them/what they are speaking about. Perceived sociability/likeability: connecting with your audience.