CMN 1148 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jargon

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The exam is comprised of 81 multiple choice questions and 19 true-false questions. Each of the 100 questions has equal value. It does not cover the chapter on family communication. You have already been tested on chapters 1-8. For that reason, i have decided to cover only class lectures and slides for chapters 1-8. I will not return to the readings in your textbook. Also i will not test you on specifics on videos or films for chapters 1-8, with the exception of notes for a film about donna and gail. This film was shown after the last exam. Please note, however, that much of the material in lectures and slides refers to or builds on concepts in your textbook. If you require further clarification on any points covered in class lectures or slides, then you should go to your textbook for clarification of these points.