CMN 1148 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Self-Image, Social Comparison Theory, Collectivism

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The theory of the looking glass self refers to the power of significant others to influence self-concept: ideal self (the person we"d like to be) The vision of the ideal self is influenced through comparison with role models. If gap develops between the real self and the ideal self we may experience body image disturbance: real self (the person we actually are) People with high self-esteem are better able to access and feel comfortable displaying the real self . Ho w th e s e lf-c o n c e p t d e ve lo p s : reflected appraisal: Our perceptions of how we think others see us. Interaction with significant others and the messages that others convey to us about ourselves. Ch a lle n g e s in me a s u rin g s e lf-c o n c e p t ac ro s s cu ltu re s.