CLA1102- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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2 roman emperors commemorated: julius and augustus = july and august. January is the first month because that is when roman console went into office. Sept. (7), october (8), november (9), december (10) Months still the same and days of the week. Portuguese only language that updated names of the week. Names/shapes of the letters and numbers fundamentally the same. Books in itself and novels are roman. Glass pains (windows), arches refined, concrete and cement, underwater cement out of volcanic dust. City planning, grid structure, sewers, flush toilets, architecture. Time, calendar, 12 hours in the day, word hour , distance in imperial system, mile is thousand in roman, word inch is the latin word for 1/12th, ounce (1/12th of a pound) Gods threw a big party for peleus and thetis, only one person not invited: eris in greek, She gets mad, decides to cause trouble.