[BPS2110] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 23 pages long Study Guide!

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Notes will be posted on blackboard after lecture. First half focuses on history and drug designs/synthesis. Second half will bring another perspective from a real life scientist. Welcome to come to his office during office hours, welcome to come to his office during other times if he"s (cid:374)ot (cid:271)us(cid:455) he"s happ(cid:455) to help. Textbook: teach from scientific literature, will be given articles to read. Will be given everything we need to be successful in this course. 80% of the drugs on the market today originated from an organism somewhere, rainforest is rich in these organisms. Metabolism: liver plays an important role, it kills toxins, like an oil filter in a car, it filters everything out. These drugs are backbone of pain management, if you take too (cid:373)u(cid:272)h ad(cid:448)il (cid:455)ou get ul(cid:272)e(cid:396)"s. Most d(cid:396)ugs like advil hit both pathways and causes a problem, one pathway controls pain while the other goes through the gastrointestinal tract and has effects.