BPS 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cough Medicine, Paracetamol, Benzocaine

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Outnumber all other infections by 25 to 1. Influenza virus can be fatal when young or very old. Virus destroys tissues and immune system makes symptoms. Many remedies are useless (doing something makes you feel better) Common cold research done at salisbury research unit. Sneezes don"t contain a lot of the virus. Direct exposure to the virus may not cause colds. Using too much hand sanitizer or washing your hands too much can cause skin damage. The alcohol in hand sanitizer dries out the oil in your skin that helps protect. When you are young you are more prone to get colds frequently in oppose to being an adult. (kids are more social therefore more touching) As you get older you are more immune to the virus. Exposure to virus causes illness (immune response is too slow and weak to prevent) Body makes large amount of antibodies only during infection. After each infection you build what we call memory cells.