BPS 1101 Study Guide - Public Health Genomics, Glucuronosyltransferase, Vascular Headache

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Bps 1101 life expectancy has been steadily rising. Prehistoric humans would have had an expectancy of 35. Archeological information last 150 years = highest increase caused mainly by scientific advancements. Death caused rom body shutting down, not disease. Chronic infections, malnutrition, etc = issues disappearing five big reasons: improved sanitation, cleaner water, refrigeration, vaccines, antibiotics. Early and modern drugs are poisons, the only difference between drug and poison is dose** not all poisons are drugs, all drugs are poisons. Pharmakon (greek for drug/poison) low doses of poisons make drugs benifical. Some dosages must be higher, for example insulin and salt. Body size determines does, small one pill big two pill. Coal tar, waste of coal gas from coal. Brand name vs chemical name, acetasalicylic acid or aspirin. No difference from name brand and generic. Price divided by pills equals cost per pill. Small bottles for children will not harm them if they ingest all.