BPS 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Global Governance, Debt Bondage, Kevin Bales

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Globalization and geopolitics: the impact of september 11, 2001. Most developed countries around the world have not condoned the events of september. 11th and have joined the effort to put a stop to things like this. There have been sentiments expressing that the us deserved this because they were arrogant and were brought down to earth (they are the most powerful country). Most support of the anti-american support comes from the middle east where they have been most resistant to globalization and economic and political change. A main theme of globalization is openness, and the uninterrupted movement of people, products, and financial resources. Boundaries and manmade restriction must be reduced. To respond to terrorism we must close these boundaries though because terrorists prosper is open societies because they can carry out their missions in unrestricted environments without exposure. Globalization requires openness and terrorists find this openness necessary to carrying out their actions.