BPS 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Programmed Cell Death, Generic Brand, Stomach Cancer

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Name brands vs. generic: these are chemical substances, the brand doesn"t matter in terms of what it does. Name brands vs. name brands: name brands contain the same ingredients. They all use the same ingredients and same doses: pain and fever, acetaminophen 500 mg. Price per 100 tablets: big price differential, generic brand will tend to be cheaper. Medications for colds and flu: you will get colds, nothing will cure it, primarily spread on surfaces. Some medications may reduce symptoms: you cannot treat all symptoms, choose which symptoms you want to treat, read the back not the front, choose the right medication, avoid multi-symptom products, compare before you buy. Cancer treatments are unpleasant: cancer itself is unpleasant, you can die from cancer treatments, it is a fairly high mortality rate. Change in the us death rates* by cause, 1950 & 2001.